The Wall Is_

A collaboration between the residents of Tre Cwm housing estate and artist-in-residence Kristin Luke, developing an artwork for the main boundary wall of the estate, with a focus on the process and experiences which accumulate around the project as it unfolds, and how these affect the overall wellbeing of the community.

Through activities that encourage the sharing of stories, histories, and celebrate residents’ expertise and individual and collective identities, the project addresses these questions: Can the wall be something to be proud of? What message should it tell people coming in and out of Llandudno along one of its main arteries? What are the stories, objects, and images that will bring this wall to life? Can residents learn about and connect with each other from participating in the project?

Further project information at

The Wall Is __ came about through a collaboration between Culture Action Llandudno, Cartrefi Conwy and North Wales Housing Association. It is in partnership with Ty Llywelyn Community Centre and Mostyn Gallery and funded by Paul Hamlyn Foundation and Llandudno Town Council.